Friday, July 6, 2012

Off to Cosfest!!!

I'll be heading off tomorrow for yet another cosplay event, this time it's the amazing Cosfest! As always, most of the stuff I'm bringing are actually parts of my costume and I'll be living out of the much smaller blue Longchamp bag in the corner. Sleeping bags are for Esther and I as we'll be squeezing with 15 other people within a chalet, gosh I hope we don't wind up like sardines in a can! The amazing mace (its too big to even fit in this pic!) was made from scratch by my equally amazing bf, the details in real life are so much more awesome, he does prop-making commissions so if you need a prop made just drop me a comment and I'll link you with him! ;)

 This is my coscard for this event, I usually try to bring different coscards for different events. I'll be printing more tomorrow and stamping my name in old chinese at the back to add a personal touch, don't hesitate to ask for one if you spot me!

My cosplay for day 1 will be the lovely Cinque from the game Final Fantasy Type-0, I'll be with a full team so it should be easy to spot us from afar considering we're all carrying weapons and probably poking at people who get too close to us hahaha

I decided to cosplay something easier for day 2, so I'll be re-cosplaying my favourite shota, Alois Trancy! It's always fun to cosplay him since you'll be totally in character if you start annoying other people hahaha, it might also be my last time cosplaying him as someone will be buying my costume after Cosfest so might as well have as much fun being a spoilt, annoying brat while I still can!

If you're coming to the event just say hi if you spot me., I love meeting new people but if you're not able to come, fret not, I'll upload pictures of the event when they're available. Till next time, see ya!! 


  1. That looks like fun! I want to start cosplaying more, so your cosplay posts are like a whole bunch of eye-candy.

    1. Thanks Kassidy! I still have alot of improvements to be made in my cosplays but you should definitely cosplay more, it's really fun!

  2. How talented is your boyfriend! That looks pretty difficult to make. Go him!!

  3. I know right? I'm still in awe at how he made it, I'm such a lucky girl ;)
